Go RED for Women!

Go RED for Women!

Ohioans Named Top Workplace for 5th Consecutive Year

Ohioans Named Top Workplace for 5th Consecutive Year

A House Divided!

A House Divided!

A house divided!In the spirit of the Ohio State vs. Michigan game, Ohioans staff brought in donations for the Seagate Food Bank.

We collected a total of 677 lbs. of food, clothing, and toiletries! These items are put together into baskets to deliver the week of Christmas to homes in the community including a number of veterans that are in need for the holidays.

In the end, the OSU food bank donations won!

November is National Family Caregivers Month!

November is National Family Caregivers Month!

Ohioans For Harvey Event

Ohioans For Harvey Event

Ohioans Wins Health and Wellness Division at Dragon Boat Festival

Ohioans Wins Health and Wellness Division at Dragon Boat Festival

Ohioans Named HomeCare Elite – Top 500

Ohioans Named HomeCare Elite – Top 500